We take balance for granted and just assume it works perfectly all the time; it doesn’t. Nature works in equilibrium which means things eventually balance themselves out, but it may not be on your time frame. That’s true in healthcare, relationships, politics; you name it. The problem is nature works on its own pace, not ours. In addition, our health can be way off balance without us even knowing it which is why your body sends you warnings to change your ways. Rather than rely purely on nature, act early on the warning signs, but don’t grow old or fearful waiting for the balance to happen.
Almost thirty years ago Diane and I were having dinner one night in St. Petersburg. I started feeling light headed, I had stroke symptoms and ended up as a patient at the hospital I was running. (Another good reason to be nice to hospital employees). After tons of diagnostic work ups the St. Pete doctors thought I had a brain tumor and referred me to Moffitt Cancer Center in Tampa. After another round of exotic testing, Moffitt determined I was eating too much salt in my diet which caused the inner ear imbalance and the vertigo. Salty diet vs. brain tumor. I got rid of the salt shaker along with the vertigo. I actively change my diet to keep my balance in order.
Balance also effects our relationships, especially work – life balance. If you spend too much time at work, your home life suffers, which causes your work to suffer. The same is true in reverse. There are a few times where you have to pick one versus the other; but I always chose family over work during those times without any regret. On the rare occasion I chose work over family I’d have to say to Diane, “the only way I can miss this meeting is if I’m dead.” Obviously, I couldn’t pull that card every meeting since I would end up dead. Balance can be dangerous if you pick the wrong side of the teeter – totter.
A few weeks ago I was still having chemo therapy which made me feel off balance, but that didn’t stop me from diving into the Jameson for the ND – Clemson game. At half time I took it upon myself to climb down the sea wall to get wood for the fire. Climbing back up, I lost my balance, fell off the seawall, bounced off the kayaks, and landed on my back. Whoever thought balance and stupidity went hand in hand? Odd. I imagine a very patient God watching the kayak affair from Heaven and rolling Her eyes while muttering, “I’m working overtime keeping him out of harm’s way, but he doesn’t get the hint.” Trust me, I appreciate God’s hints, but an occasional walk on the wildside keeps me leaning forward into life rather than dozing off in a chair all day. I guess if I have to pick between the two, I’d rather lose my balance and fall off a seawall occasionally rather than get bed sores from a Lazy Boy recliner. Slainte.
Pete, glad you’re still having fun and the occasional Jameson! Happy Thanksgiving to the Lawson family!
Happy Thanksgiving Tom!
Glad you’re well!!! We don’t bounce like we used to! Climbing sea walls, horseback riding, starting fires, though fun, but might not always the most balanced thought! Have a wonderful holiday! Stay well!!!
Those are all the fun things in life; maybe we should ride smaller horses since there closer to the ground. Have a great Thanksgiving.
Mr. Pete…you keep me balanced…and I can’t thank you enough really. You are love and light and an inspiration. I look forward to your blogs each week and they get me through this crazy life. I like thinking about things…and you have a way of provoking that. ❤️🍀🪳
Have a great Thanksgiving with your family; family gatherings always put everything in balance. Peace.
Happy Thanksgiving to you and your family!
Have a great Thanksgiving; tell your Mom I said hello.
Wow, glad you’re ok! That was definitely a reminder from above not to go down the bank while sipping Jameson, especially when ND was kicking some Clemson butt. Great Win!!
I got a little nostalgic; it reminded me of tumbling down the bank over the years behind the cabin. Have a great Thanksgiving.
Yikes! Keep working on that balancing. 🍀 Happy and Blessed Thanksgiving
Grace, have Anthony work on his grip a bit; it needs a little balancing. Happy Thanksgiving.
Happy Thanksgiving Mickey!