As you age and face health hurdles the Sun makes you reflect more on your life; who you are; where you’ve been;  where are you going.  When I was younger I thought the Sun was a nuisance, like my Grandmother Gertrude Lawson.  In the Winter it poked my eyes each morning and prodded me out to the bus stop in the cold to face sub zero temps.  Back then I would have bribed the Sun a king’s ransom to send me a little heat simply to melt my frozen hair, but Winter always wins in the Adirondacks.  Summer, however, was the Sun’s domain; beating down on Lake George scorching our skin day in and day out.  With fair skin like me, my sister Sheila and I were always racing to see who could get the worst sunburns.  I typically won, but she made up for it by being the best Skin Peeler.  Sheila’s expertise was pulling off large patches of dried sunburned skin in continuous sheets.  Her biggest trophy was a swatch from my back bigger than a piece of copy paper.  I couldn’t wait to tack it on the wall next to my Aerosmith poster; but our Collie had other plans and ate it as a snack.  I think of these fond moments with the Sun now when I visit the dermatologist every three months.  Thankfully,  I don’t blame the Sun for my poor skin health, but instead draw great comfort each day from its warmth.  I get up early before most people awake simply to see the Sun rising.  For me it radiates Hope and Life.  As we inch closer to year end the Sun reminds me of 2004 when Diane was shopping at a grocery store on Christmas Eve.  She was standing in the check out line and sensed the person behind her was reaching out.  She turned around and asked her, “Are you alright?”  The lady responded, “No, actually I’m not.  I’m facing breast cancer for the 3rd time and I don’t think I can go through the treatment again.”   Diane said, “I know how you feel, my husband Peter has cancer again and he’s going through rough chemo treatments too.  But, if he were here right now he’d tell you that if you can see the Sunrise, then you’re still alive.  If you’re still alive, then God’s plan for you is not yet complete and someone out there needs you to make them feel better.”  The woman told Diane, “Thank you, I really needed to hear that today.”  At that moment,  many years ago, two strangers hugged each other in a grocery store check out line and wished for each other Hope and good tidings for Christmas.  Diane never heard from the lady again, but I believe in my heart she did get treatment and she has enjoyed many Sunrises since.   Slainte.



  1. Every sunrise brings a new beginning, with each sunset we make a wish and thank God for another beautiful day. I love each day with you.1-2-3❤️☘️🪳

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