In Florida the automobile lemon law passed in 1975 while living wills became law in 2001.  Thank God our priorities are straight in The Sunshine State.  My challenge running hospitals in Florida back then was people retired in their 50’s, then thirty years later when The Grim Reaper called patients and their families had drifted apart, no longer knowing each other.   Three decades is a lifetime where parents re-invented themselves with new friends, hobbies, and lifestyles completely foreign to their children.  I’d regularly get dragged into disputes between siblings over who was in charge of Mom’s final care (or assets).  That was especially hard when Mom was still listening to these strangers fight with each other over her future.  It goes to show you a strong family bond is neither about proximity nor time, it’s about interaction; the more the better.

In college I use to call my parents every Sunday whether I needed to or not and usually with a collect call.  My siblings did the same thing.  I can envision my father just settling into his chair after a call with me when the next call came in, then the next, then the next.  No wonder he hung out in the garden with our collie Prince; he barked but rarely called collect.  Today Diane or I get at least one call a day from each of our sons.  We have two departments in the house they call, one is the left side thinking brain and the other is the right side.  Diane gets the long emotional calls and I get the twitter feeds on business and finance.  Son:  Do I need health insurance?  Me: Well, I’ve had 6 bouts with cancer and open heart surgery; it’s probably a good idea.” Between the two of us we all end up on the same page.  The boys have added spouses and fiancé’s, so we’ve adopted to an expanded family swimming in their own circles, but still interacting with ours.  It’s not a seamless natural beauty like the Great Barrier Reef; instead it’s a little rough around the edges like McSorely’s Old Ale House in NYC.  There’s yelling, laughing, crying, and drinking with plenty of life including expectations of better days ahead.  Trust me, the latter makes all the difference when it comes to family bonds.

Oddly enough my recent healthcare challenges have tightened these circles closer even though we live in different locations.  Because the circles are made up of individuals Diane and I have to clearly deliver the same message separately each time we talk about my health, otherwise the cross discussions get side ways.   I know it stresses everyone, but I sense these private discussions between the circles strengthens the group.  No one likes drama and no none likes rancor, but if I had to choose I’d rather have a robust chorus of unique voices pulling in my favor then a polite group saying and doing nothing.  To be sure, there will be a day when Diane and I won’t be around to weigh in on any of their future discussions, but my heart senses they’ll still be a strong family made up of a lot of little circles they call their own.  Slainte.   


  1. Ahhh, what great memories! I would RUN to get to the car because I was so afraid to walk past Prince in his pen!! I now realize (or hope!) that he was just happily barking!
    You and Diane have a beautiful family, Peter. That circle is what it’s all about!

  2. Mr. Pete…I have also called my dad collect. He frowned upon it but I thought it was hilarious. He thought that was nothing after I couldn’t find my sister in Vegas. She disappeared and so did my cell phone. 😳 Of course…we were at church when all of this transpired. 🙏🏻😂🥂 Luckily…I have a pretty good memory and even luckier…I used to do accounting at my dad’s business. The luckiest? I memorized the company credit card number and used it to call my sister from a pay phone. Talk about resourceful! Not sure my dad agreed…because for some reason that phone call was expensive. 💵 At least it made him appreciate that silly, collect call. 👹

    It’s good to be intertwined with family while also having the freedom to be autonomous. ☯️ The phone calls show the impact you have made on your kids’ lives. What’s better than that? 💕

    I don’t like rancor either Mr. Pete… but I only know that because I looked up that word two seconds ago. Mr. Notre Dame. Whatever. 🙄☘️😊

    Cheers to a witchy Wednesday!


  3. Nice looking Lawson Crew Pete and Diane! Of course, the beautiful GrandDaughter is most precious! Congratulations. A simple message that is so true—-I laughed and cried and it hit home.

  4. I never looked at my circle in this way, but you’re definitely spot on. It’s funny how life is ever changing. I think you’ve got a pretty tight circle of some of the best people I know.❤️

Thanks for reading and letting me know your thoughts!