Thanksgiving is around the corner, I knew that in July when Home Depot put up the Christmas displays.  That’s one tradition I’d like to see stores change:  put up Halloween displays in October, Thanksgiving in November and Christmas in December.  How hard is that?  Thanksgiving is layered with traditions, some old some new, but that’s the purpose of the holiday.  The key to enjoying Thanksgiving, however, is to avoid traditions which we aren’t thankful for especially ones we don’t understand.  For instance, bloodletting use to be a traditional medical treatment for all kinds of ailments.  A doctor would get arrested for bloodletting now.  The same with food served on Thanksgiving.  The very first Thanksgiving featured freshly killed deer, waterfowl, trout, and corn maize.  I’ve not seen that menu selection in awhile, so it’s a sign traditions aren’t cut in stone.  Around this time of year we get all fruity about keeping traditions, when we should instead just focus on friends and family.

On Thanksgiving we usually go to someone’s house or someone comes to ours with all the usual trappings.  A few years ago the Tormey’s arrived with a bottle of wine and a quart of Jameson (thank you God). Before we ate I made a toast, cracked open the Jameson, drank straight out of the bottle, and told everyone at the table they had to do the same thing.  Kind of like a modern peace pipe at the end of COVID. The younger guests couldn’t believe their sudden fortune. Norman Rockwell definitely would not paint that scene for the Saturday Evening Post. This year, however, the last months have been layered with a slew of travel and formal functions, so we’re tired and decided to bag the traditional Thanksgiving dinner.  Rather than have anyone over or go to someone’s house we’re having dinner at The North Naples Country Club.  It’s actually an old sports bar, but they’re serving Thanksgiving Dinner to other bar flies like us.  Andrea Tormey has pitched every argument under the sun for us to come to her house for dinner per tradition, but we declined thinking she wants us there only to dive into the Jameson again.

Don’t get me wrong, I have my own traditions which I fall back on this time of year.  The day after Thanksgiving for the past 30 years I read “A Christmas Carol” to get myself into the Christmas spirit.  My little book is now dog eared and covered in coffee stains, but it’s traditional message of faith, family, and redemption resonates deeply just like it did when Charles Dickens wrote it in 1843.  Traditions come and go; so I expect “A Christmas Carol” to be around for awhile, but I’m not sure The North Naples Country Club has that kind of staying power.  I do know for sure, however, that as long as people from all walks of life continue to get together on the last Thursday of every November and give thanks, no matter where or what for, we are all better off for it.  Happy Thanksgiving!  Slainte.


  1. We are switching it up too Pete, Grayhawk Golf Club for us in Scottsdale this year, we will ask them for a round of Jameson and toast to you all!

  2. I believe you are correct, getting together with friends, or family can often be a good idea! Sometimes changing traditions can be a good thing! Have a wonderful Thanksgiving! Get rest! Cause as you said, Christmas will be here before we know it! Stay well! ☘️🦃☘️

  3. Happy Thanksgiving & hope you really enjoy the country club (better than our plane food 😂) and make some fun new memories.

  4. Thanks, Pete! For a couple of years, we’ve gone to the beach with our Turkey subs & beers. It’s more fun to relax with friends on the beach than stand in the kitchen a good portion of the day. I will raise my glass to you & Diane! Have a wonderful Thanksgiving! Slainte🍀

  5. Well…apparently this holiday has gone straight to your head Mr. Pete. 🦃 It’s Tuesday for crying out loud. Tuesday. Now I’m all disheveled…trying to imagine how I will feel tomorrow when I don’t know what to do. I guess I’ll have to drink Jameson straight out of the bottle. Well played Mr. Pete…well played. Enjoy your family time…no matter where or how…and for God’s sake…make sure you cause a little ruckus… (like I even have to say that). 😂 Cheers Mr. Pete! 🥂 I hope you eat your Jameson and drink your turkey! ❤️ 🪳☘️

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